Sunday, March 10, 2013

Baker's Delight - Hot Cross Buns

Remember the end of last year when I did a review for Baker's Delight Christmas goodies? They obviously thought I needed more plumping up (yeah right!) and have also offered for me to do a review of their Eater Goodies. 

Unlike the Christmas Goodies, I am a complete Hot Cross But moster. I love the things. I wish they could be sold all year round. It's the only thing I rejoice coming out months before the actual celebration - Christmas decorations on shelves in October? Ridiculous, Hot Cross Buns on the shelf in January? Genius!

Let's listent to a happy Australian baker talk about his buns...

I have to agree Bazza (generic Australian name), those buns are fresh! 

I would go as far to say that these are the best bought hot cross buns that I've found this year. I usually like the ones from Pak n' Save but they're just not hitting the spot this year. These Baker's Delight ones - spectacular...if you like the yeasty flavour of hot cross buns. These ones were very much yeasty and a bit doughy, which I like, but I understand that others don't like that so much. Mr Man had a wee groan about it, until I reminded him they were free and full of chocolate. I personally love this Baker's Delight. Keep up the good work!

I tried the chocky ones first. I'm not usually one for the chocolate variety, often commenting that I think it's a bit stupid, but these were the cat's pajamas. I ate it straight from the bag, nothing on it, no toasting, no butter, just boom, in my mouth and it was a (wait for the cliche) a taste explosion! They are jam packed with chocolate chips and the cross on top is actual chocolate, not some weird chocolate flavoured bread adaption, actual chocolate. Delish!

Both varieties unfortunately didn't do so well being toasted, they were very floppy and didn't hold their shape very well. Yummy, but not exactly how you would like them. They didn't crisp up much.

The traditional 'fruity' variety were also delicious, fresh as can be and packed with currants. They didn't have any orange rind in which I was very thankful for. 
I don't know whose bright idea it was to start putting orange rind in hot cross buns over the years, but if I find better watch out. Ridiculously stupid idea - yuck. 
Good on you Baker's delight for saying NO to orange rind. I salute you. 

The only thing I can pull up these tradition style buns on is the lack of glazing on top. I love glazing on home made hot cross buns and my ma knew it. I understand, having worked in a bakery in my teens, that not putting a tonne on for buns that will be sold in plastic bags is logical as that stuff is sticky, but still, I missed it.

Here are some silly pictures of Leah enjoying her Chocolate Variety Buns. There was lots of 'mmmmm-ing' during the ravenous consumption of this goodie. Leah was very impressed. She says 'let me review Baker's Delight hot cross buns anytime!'

Verdict? YUM MUM!

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