Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"You don't have to wait to love yourself"

I think it might be Term burn out, but I've been feeling really euck over the past few weeks, only just starting to feel better now. It's not even necessarily an outward thing and most people wouldn't even know it's going on, but on the insideI've convinced myself that I'm not doing enough, am hopeless at being a mother, at teaching and that I need to sort myself out to be worth anything.

I get peaks and troughs of these feelings and I couldn't exactly say why - possibly stress or doing too much int he first place. I think most of mine stems from my expectations of myself. When I'm at that point it's like there's a rain cloud over me all day, every day and even when I make a conscious effort to be happy I'm aware that really I'm not. It makes the moments like these when I'm feeling better seem like a technicolour of sky in comparison. I feel energetic, motivated and...happy. 

So, to begin the Love Yourself Challenge this week I was asked to list 5 ways that I can love myself better. Here they are. I may not be able to stick to them all the time, but I at least hope to keep myself mindful of them.

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